Writer-director Kevin Smith (Mallrats, Chasing Amy) presents The 4:30 Movie, his most personal film to date with this coming-of-age story set in the summer of 1986. It follows three sixteen-year-old friends who spend their Saturdays sneaking into movies at the local Cineplex. When one of the guys invites the girl of his dreams to see an R-rated film, hilarity ensues as a self-important theater manager (Ken Jeong) and teen rivalries interfere with his best-laid plans. Justin Long, Rosario Dawson, Jason Biggs, and more contribute outrageous characters to this poignant comic valentine to moviegoing and the youth of the ’80s.

Cinema Scholars’ own, Glen Dower, sat down with actors Siena Agudong, Austin Zajur, Reed Northrup, and Nicholas Cirillo to talk about starring in the new Kevin Smith-directed film, The 4:30 Movie. They discussed what it was like working for the now legendary independent director, working on a hairstring budget, and what this young and talented cast was doing before they entered the Kevin Smith universe, among other topics.
(Edited for content and clarity)
Glen Dower:
I’m here with Siena Agudong, Austin Zajur, Reed Northrup, and Nicholas Cirillo. And as a bonus, I’m here as a huge Kevin Smith fan! The movie we need right now. A movie about loving movies and you guys are all exceptional. But Austin, you have a unique history with Mr Smith, don’t you?
Austin Zajur:
Oh, yeah. So I got thrown into living with Kevin during the pandemic in 2020. And it was kind of like an ultimatum from my girlfriend, Harley, who’s like, live here or like, we’re not gonna see each other for six months. So I did that. And then we ended up doing this TBS show together, which was kind of like a sketch show called Celebrity Show Off, where it was called Son in Lockdown. Essentially, each week, we would make a little sketch and I played this character who was Harley’s boyfriend who came to live with them that Kevin hated.
And I think it was pretty accurate and maybe how he was feeling. But it was like this total test! He made me literally in one scene, just eat a red hot chili pepper, walk around nude, like random, like just make me do the craziest stuff. I think we ended up doing ten episodes of that. And we were only supposed to do one but I guess people really liked it each week. Then how it worked was the people would vote and they kept voting for us. And we made it to the very end. I think by the end of that, I kept just trying to make him think I was good. It was kind of like a little audition.
Glen Dower:
And Siena, you’re joining a rich line of female characters in Kevin Smith movies, because we know he writes women so well, because of the three women in his life, he adores his wife, his daughter, of course, his mom. And all the women in his films are really strong and layered and have a really important role to play. They’re not just there to look pretty. Are you honored to join the likes of Joey Lauren Adams, Rosario Dawson, Elizabeth Banks, and of course Harley Quinn Smith? How do you feel about being in a Kevin Smith movie, being a cool female chick actor?
Siena Agudong:
I feel ‘honored’ doesn’t even cover it. I’ve kind of run out of ways to say it. I feel like I’ve thanked Kevin a thousand times, but it is pretty incredible. And the woman I’m actually based on, I met in real life, and I didn’t know that I was based on someone in his life. But to be seen by, to be written, to play a role that Kevin has written is an honor in itself. And then also to be seen as someone that he, in his life, adored at a time, that’s just a lot of pressure. And it’s very intimidating walking into it, but also extremely exciting. So yeah, a big thank you to Kevin on that!
Glen Dower:
Plus your character is so adorable, such a great movie couple as well. Reed, we get the idea when it comes to hair, and the costume, your character, Belly represents the 80s fashion victim!
Reed Northrup:
When I first did our hair and makeup test, the way that Ash and Colleen (our hair and makeup heads), pitched it to me, was we want to give you the most disturbing haircut we can. And I said I’m all in. I was like, you don’t have to ask me twice. You don’t even have to ask, let’s go for it. So yes, it was a very bizarre haircut, the high top, because it’s very rare that you have a haircut where it’s all even across the top. It made putting it down like I wear it actually impossible. And they did give me a rat tail, which at the end of filming, they allowed me to keep. So I actually have my rat tail framed on my bookshelf. Much to my partner’s chagrin. She’s like, oh, God, I have to look at that thing every day?!
Glen Dower:
What a memento! And on the other end of the scale, we have you Nic. The stud but another another Kevin Smith mainstay – the loveable douchebag. But how does it feel for you to join, again, the troupe that Kev has created? We always expect key players like Jason Lee, Justin Long is hilarious, and Jason Mewes is in the movie within the movie. So Nic, are you able to be available for Kev next time you get a knock on your door?
Nicholas Cirillo:
I mean, I’ll tell you what, it’s going to be expensive. It’s going to cost him an arm and a leg. But I guess, you know, I’m open to negotiation. No, of course, if I was if I were ever to be so lucky again, you know, to have a lightning strike once is plenty fortunate enough for me. But if he needed me to come sweep the floor on one of the sets, I’d be there. So I loved working with him and would jump at the opportunity to do it again!
Glen Dower:
And I know Kev always says he keeps a happy set by making sure there is plenty of food. Was that your experience as well, Austin?
Austin Zajur:
Yeah, definitely a very happy set. I feel like it was good vibes all around.

Nicholas Cirillo:
I dunno. Actually, the one thing that set the set apart was that this was the first set I’d ever been on where there was they didn’t feed us. They didn’t even clothe us! So it was it was very much a destitute type of situation. And I guess that was something Kevin was experimenting with this time around on this film big time. But he kept saying bare bones, bare bones!
Glen Dower:
I see – so that explains why you’re shirtless in your first scene!
Nicholas Cirillo:
That was when I showed up! I didn’t even I didn’t have a shirt on my back, you know, so that’s what they rolled with. That’s the truth.
Glen Dower:
I won’t tell anyone. But I will share – I’m heading to the cinema tomorrow, and I’m going with your character Reed, Belly’s Mom suggestion: Cinema Bacon!
Reed Northrup:
Oh, it’s the new hottest thing. Yeah, the new hottest thing. Yeah, absolutely!
Nicholas Cirillo:
Yeah. Mustard on that. You won’t catch a mate.
Glen Dower:
I think that’s gonna be the movie’s legacy.
Reed Northrup:
No better way to stink up a theater.
Glen Dower:
Well, it’s been a real pleasure to meet you all. Enjoy the release and I honestly hope it’s a success, as it should be.
Siena Agudong:
Thank you so much.
Reed Northrup:
Great talking to you.
Austin Zajur:
Really a pleasure.
The 4:30 Movie from Lionsgate and Saban Films is in select theaters now.
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