The Quiet Ones is a suspenseful action thriller about a team of ambitious and uncompromising criminals who share the same goal: to achieve the impossible...
On paper, Martin Campbell's Cleaner looks like another Die Hard incarnation with Daisy Ridley substituted for Bruce Willis. Once you see the film, you'll...
Cinema Scholars interviews Your Lucky Day writer/director Daniel Brown and lead actress Jessica Garza. Well Go USA will release Your Lucky Day in Theaters...
While there is nothing wrong with big studio productions making a splash at Fantastic Fest, the humbler indie films are the heart and soul...
As we continue our tantalizing journey through the wonderful programming at Fantastic Fest, we come to the Spanish film, You’re Not Me. Co-directed, written,...
The true story of corruption and betrayal leading up to one of the largest financial scandals in history, Man on the Run (2023) uncovers...