Tribeca 2023 – Bonus Coverage From This Years Festival


With the Tribeca 2023 Festival in the rearview mirror, we thought we would give you some bonus coverage of this year’s best of the best. With dozens of real-life documentaries to choose from, and only so many hours in the day, it is often best to stick to what you know and love. In this instance, Cinema Scholar’s own Glen Dower went with a Tribeca triple bill of Pop Culture features. These all come highly recommended once they find a home on a streaming service near you!

Stan Lee
Director: David Gelb

Tracing his life from his upbringing in New York as Stanley Lieber to the rise of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee tells the story of Stan Lee’s life, career, and legacy using his own words and personal archival material.

Stan Lee was Born Stanley Leiber, in New York in 1922 to Eastern European parents. Young Stanley would rise to superstardom, while the company he helped found, along with his creations, would go on to shape the cinematic and pop culture landscape of today. Director David Gelb utilizes a veritable treasure trove of personal and professional archive footage, stills, voice recordings, newsreels, interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and more, that span Lee’s life from childhood to the figure we knew from his famous MCU cameos.

If the audience is expecting a love letter to the history of Marvel, and Stan Lee’s instrumental part in its rise and rise, with a few missteps along the way…then Excelsior. We do learn of the various iterations of the comic book company and how it found its magical formula (or Method) and who the key players were. For true fans, there is very little we have not heard before about where Lee got his inspirations for Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, etc. that have been told in various Making Ofs over the years.

Stan Lee
Stan Lee is surrounded by his creations in a scene from “Stan Lee” (2023). Photo courtesy of Disney+

For those hoping we get to peek behind the curtain, the final result in Stan Lee is ever-so-slightly disappointing. There are some new nuggets of information that are fascinating. Like how the U.S. Army was trained using Lee-designed comic books. How Lee met the love of his life Joan. How he would fund their lavish lifestyle by writing a new story as and when needed and how Joan and her vivacity would go on to be the inspiration for Mary-Jane Watson. Also how a government agency: the Office of Public Health and Welfare, requested Marvel include anti-drug messages to counter the growing influence of drug culture.

This feature is all about the light that Lee shone upon those around him, and we only get a glimpse of something darker when the audience is told how two titans of the comics world, artists Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, chose to leave Marvel at their respective times. The audience is left to make their own mind up about whether Lee, with his carefully crafted PR machine and growing ego, was taking full credit in the eyes of the world for the creation of these million-dollar properties and leaving the artists as an afterthought…or not.

However, Stan Lee is an entertaining piece and when we consider the brand he did help create is indeed one of the most prominent cornerstones of pop culture, we should hear from the man who made it possible.

Stan Lee had its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Festival on June 10, 2023, in the Spotlight Documentary category. Disney+ released the film on June 16, 2023.

Chasing Chasing Amy 
Director: Sav Rodgers

On a quest to dig into the controversial LGBTQ ‘90s rom-com that saved his life, a filmmaker must confront revealing truths that will forever alter the trajectory of his life.

For filmmaker Sav Rodgers, Chasing Amy (1997) was an obsession and as it turned out; a lifeline, with Rodgers being a closeted teenager, growing up in the 90s. Having grown up as a queer adult, he understands the film’s flaws, and inadequacies and how at the time was derided by vocal members of that community – ‘Why was Kevin Smith, a straight white dude writing about lesbian issues?’ ‘How dare he suggest lesbians just need to find the right guy to turn straight?’ Ellen and Anne Heche reportedly walked out of a screening after thirty minutes.

In Chasing Chasing Amy, Rodgers, however, uses his fantastic documentary film in explaining his own processes with regards to coming out, falling in love, and realizing he was trans, as opposed to a straight-up love letter.

Stan Lee
Joey Lauren Adams, Sav Rodgers, and Kevin Smith in a scene from “Chasing Chasing Amy” (2023). Photo courtesy of Tribeca 2023.

The documentary is full of insight, and at times, searing interviews from the makers and the critics of the film. Kevin Smith is as endearing as always. These days, now in his 50s, he defends the film (his third after the super-successful Clerks and major flop Mallrats) by citing his direct inspirations. Members of the cast also give insight into the creative decisions and character choices. There is a heavy representation from the queer community, who point out the film was ahead of its time. But not always in the right way, as it lacks insight, and has dated poorly.

Then we have the very dark side of the film’s production and release – which was the time of many of Harvey Weinstein’s horrific acts. ‘Amy’ herself, Joey Lauren Adams speaks earnestly of what it was like to be a young, up-and-coming actress at the time – being called to the production office, being on the interview circuit, what it takes to make it in the industry…it is all we hoped it would not be. And more.

Rodgers chooses not to dwell on this area, Adams’ discomfort speaks volumes. Instead, he is most comfortable returning to his own journey of courting, proposing to, and marrying his wife, who is also a charming interviewee throughout. Thus making this film, at times a Kevin Smith Fan Film, but also a fan film of his new life.

Chasing Chasing Amy had its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Festival on June 8, 2023, in the Viewpoints category. The film is currently seeking distribution.

Rather (2023)
Director: Frank Marshall

Veteran filmmaker, Frank Marshall’s incisive documentary about a diverse career in journalism, television news, and now social media that has lasted over half a century.

For decades, Dan Rather delivered the news with authenticity, integrity, and courage. Rather, chronicles his rise to prominence, sudden downfall, and re-emergence as the voice of reason to a new generation.

Dan Rather (an inspiration behind Will Ferrell’s loving tribute, Ron Burgundy) has been a field reporter, reporting from the jungles of Vietnam or the sand dunes of Afghanistan. He has been an anchor (‘he is on the Mount Rushmore of Newsmen’), an incisive investigative journalist, with a feud with the Bush family going on for decades. Even, in recent years, Rather is becoming a frequent talk-show guest and Twitter giant.

Rather recaps all the significant moments from its subject’s professional life. Namely, being the face and voice of the JFK assassination. It also focuses on Rather being a representative of the press that supposedly brought about the downfall of President Nixon. Director Frank Marshall also shines the light on some areas that the newsman would rather forget. This includes the ridicule he suffered from being ‘too straight’ and the moment he refused to deliver the news as his broadcast was bumped due to an overrunning tennis match.

Stan Lee
Dan Rather in a scene from “Rather” (2023). Photo courtesy of Tribeca 2023.

The documentary also focuses, of course, on the reason for his downfall from CBS, after 24 years. Namely, his reporting on documents that supposedly were evidence that George W. Bush had failed to serve the amount of time in the army he said he had. Within weeks of this story, other press outlets were quick to latch on to his moment of weakness. Thus, making Rather the story. With his sources proving unreliable, Rather had no choice but to step down. This was a dark time for him, but around the corner came his reinvention.

What sets this documentary apart, however, is the audience also gets to spend time with Rather today. He reflects on meeting his wife and other personal moments shared by his children and grandchildren. But mainly, he shares what it takes to be a professional journalist. This was a professional from a bygone era of news delivery before the news became about entertainment and so-called personalities. It was about, as is Rather’s favorite word and sign-off, Courage.

Rather had its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Festival on June 9, 2023, in the Spotlight+ category. The film is currently seeking distribution.

The Tribeca 2023 Festival kicked off in New York City on June 7 and ran through June 18. We’ll be sure to bring you coverage from next year’s Festival!

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Fantastic Fest 2022: Cinema Scholars’ Most Anticipated Films

SXSW 2023: Four Of Our Festival Favorites

Tribeca 2022: Our Concluding Festival Coverage!

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