The animated selection at the Tribeca Festival 2023, this year, is curated by the returning Whoopi Goldberg. It’s gratifying to consider how ‘animated shorts’ were arguably brought to the fore by Pixar Animation Studios. Their mini-masterpieces, including For The Birds (2000), Piper (2016), and Bao (2018) all went on to Oscar Glory. This was after being screened ahead of their box office behemoth counterparts, Monsters Inc. (2001), Finding Dory (2016), and Incredibles 2 (2018), respectively. The studio, after being purchased by Steve Jobs from George Lucas, announced itself on the Animated World’s stage with Luxo Jr. back in 1986.
“Short films transport audiences to new worlds, document alternative lives, challenge perceptions, and broaden minds – sometimes in a matter of minutes.”
–Dylan Cave, British Film Institute National Archive Curator